Touch cool breath
A thousands steps held in my hand
To look and see the feel of blue
The thirsthy taste of yellow


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The main body of my work is routed in the English landscape. From the yellow fields of rape to the electric blue of linseed…. From the enclosed woodlands and farmland of Oxfordshire … to the mountains; lakes; gates; stiles; and paths of the Lake District…. To the cairns and tarns of North Wales….

The physical act of ‘walking’ or ‘stepping’ in these charged environments of colour and sense invoking landscapes takes on a more abstract meaning in my work. As do the running rivers…. The still lakes and icy tarns. Gates; arches; stepping stones… all significant in the travelling of these ‘scapes’ float on the surface of my canvases…. Often becoming vertical ‘paths’ or actions in themselves…. And the mountains become ‘safe houses’- a feeling of cal mand safety away from the chaos and overload of colour, sights, smells and heigthened emotions…..

The physical act of ‘painting and mark’ is a vital part of a finished piece of work. The placing and displacing of paint… the line marking and scratching… words and layers, are all significant. The tension between lines and forms become exiteable. The written words.. thoughts…. “thoughtlings” …..half written then obscured…. Becomes mere marks again….

Janine Chedd neemt ons mee in haar wereld door donderdagavond een expositie in te richten die ons leidt door haar belevingswereld. Het zal een “Quiet discussion” worden. Zij laat ons haar werk zien en als er een ‘stille’ discussie ontstaat, zoals zij dat noemt, dan spreekt Janine over haar werk het makkelijkst in het Engels.

Het wordt weer een interessante donderdagavond bij Arsis

Donderdag 26 mei:  aanvang 20.00 uur en zaal open vanaf 19.45 uur.
Arsis Kometenlaan 38 BoZ


Bezoek ook Facebook van Arsis:

Presentation 26th of May
Visual Artist Janine Chedd

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